For BolognaFiere and its employees, health and safety, and respect for the environment, represent essential primary values that must be considered in the development of our productive activities. Together with the staff and union organisations, therefore, the company has agreed on the definition and implementation of a strategy to determine a more widespread culture of risk prevention in the workplace and the creation of the necessary conditions for sustainable development.
In particular, the strategy will involve the following points:
- the upgrading of the technical and organisational solutions concerning safety and a commitment to achieve continuous improvement on this front
- the adoption by the company of systems for managing health and safety, to be developed with the full involvement of all interested parties, working on the interactions between people, systems, workplaces, local communities and institutions
- a system of industrial relations developed to foster participation and transparency in the decision-making processes, this being an essential precondition for improving relationships between the company and workers on matters of safeguarding health and safety
- the adoption of a relational system for implementing the experiences of integrated management systems, through the valorisation of relationships with the structures of the Workers’ Representative for Health and Safety (RLS) and Union Representation (RSU), which must be able to perform their roles not only within the company organisation but also in the communications processes with the outside world
- the integration of the expertise and skills of the Workers’ Representative for Health and Safety (RLS) concerning health-safety-environment
- the annual communication of the relevant information concerning national regulations and European directives relating to environmental legislation on the topic of major risks, the evaluation of environmental impact, and the processing and disposal of waste and emissions.
BolognaFiere has set itself the goal, within the relational system agreed with the Union organisations, to define strategies aimed at constantly improving the Safety-Environment system. Within this framework, the company is committed to using the model of a Safety and Environment Management System, adapting this to its own organisational and productive specifications.
The objective is to foster a culture of safety and respect for the environment in every workplace through awareness raising with each member of staff, the use of appropriate management tools, operational procedures and training programmes for personnel as well as appropriate communication and dissemination of the policy.
The creation of an appropriate system for managing safety and the environment must include also the activities of employees of contractors operating on the site.
Maintenance activities, connected to the safety and efficiency of building systems, just as with the awarding of these activities to third parties, must be part of the Safety and Environment Management. Therefore, a risk prevention policy that includes external contractors can be implemented in three phases: the selection of businesses bidding for the contract, the execution of works (work plan), and the coordination of activities and verification of performance.