The subscribed and paid-in share capital amounts to 190,327,798.00 euro, represented by 190,327,798 ordinary shares without nominal value.


Shareholder N. Shares % on total share capital
% on voting rights
Comune di Bologna 44.793.445 22,99% 22,99%
CCIAA Bologna 31.878.112 16,36% 16,36%
Informa Group Limited* 34.396.963 17,66% 17,66%
Regione Emilia-Romagna 14.844.537 7,62% 7,62%
Città Metropolitana di Bologna 14.312.324 7,35% 7,35%
Market** 54.586.076 28,02% 28,02%
TOTAL 194.811.457 100% 100%


* of which no. 22.222.222 shares subject to a lock-up period of 12 months from the date of first trading on Euronext Growth Milan - Professional Segment.

** This includes 144,288 treasury shares representing 0.07% of the share capital. The voting right for treasury shares is suspended.


According to the Euronext Growth Milan Issuers' Regulations, anyone holding at least 5% of a class of ordinary shares in Bologna Fiere S.p.A. is a "Significant Shareholder".
Reaching or exceeding the thresholds of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 50%, 66.6%, and 90%, as well as reductions below these thresholds, constitute a "Substantial Change" that must be communicated by the Significant Shareholders to the administrative body of Bologna Fiere S.p.A.
To this end, the Significant Shareholder must notify Bologna Fiere S.p.A. of the Substantial Change promptly, and in any case within 4 trading days starting from the day on which it became aware of the operation that could give rise to the obligation, regardless of the date of its execution, or from the day on which the person subject to the obligation became aware of the events that lead to changes in the share capital, indicating:

1. his or her identity;
2. the date on which Bologna Fiere S.p.A. was informed;
3. the date on which the Substantial Change of Shareholding occurred;
4. the nature and extent of the Significant Shareholder's participation in the transaction.

The notification must be made using the following form Download PDF, to be sent either by e-mail or by PEC to the following addresses respectively: